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Tag : ibiza wedding photographer

25 Jan 2019
wedding blog

The 7 Wedding Blogs you should be following in 2019!

Everyone’s blogging yes this is true but when it comes to your wedding every bit of inspiration is essential. I’ll bet there’s already lots of people out there telling you what you should be doing for every bit of your day. This is what makes these wedding blogs very handy, especially if the author has some personal experience they can share. January is the time of year when I really start thinking about the Ibiza Wedding season. I also know […]

31 Oct 2018

Casa Maca – Amazing Ibiza Wedding Venue

Casa Maca Ibiza Weddings Casa Maca is definitely putting itself on the Ibiza Wedding Map. A communion a few years ago was my only experience of this once family run farmstead and I can confirm it has now made a big change for the better! This 300 year old farmhouse complex has been around a fair few years it’s true but its recent renovation has taken things to the next level 🙂 A clever redesign with modern twists has created […]

23 Jul 2018

Ibiza Wedding Interview – Jenna & Luke. Elixir Ibiza.

Jenna & Luke's Ibiza Wedding Interview - Elixir Ibiza. As wedding days go this one couldn't really have been more perfect. The sun was shining, the bride looked stunning and the venue was amazing ♥  This is Jenna & Luke's wedding interview... How did you both meet? And how did Luke propose? Me and Luke met through friends 11 years ago and have been happy together ever since. We’ve grown up through our 20’s together. Luke proposed in New York [...]
30 Jun 2018

Jenny & David’s San Agustin Ibiza Wedding

A Beautiful San Agustin Ibiza Wedding Whenever I'm asked to shoot a wedding up at the beautiful San Agustin church my first reaction is always a big yes! So when Sam from Wedding Ceremonies Ibiza https://www.instagram.com/wedding.ceremonies.ibiza/ got in contact I was straight up that hill and looking forward to a lovely wedding :-) The day was amazing, sun shining, little white church perfect as always in its hill top position. Everything looked great. Jenny & David wanted to keep things [...]
17 Jun 2018

Aiyanna’s Ibiza Beach Food Festival ♥

Ibiza Beach Food Festival - Aiyanna There's no doubt about it street food is IN! And it seems that Ibiza although not famous for it's urban vibe is getting in on that action too! What it lacks in street appeal it more than makes up for in Beaches. So why not a street food bonanza right there on the sand?! Last Saturday saw just this, the Ibiza Beach Food festival at the lovely Aiyanna. If you haven't heard of it [...]
02 Jun 2018

A Must Read Wedding Interview at Amante, Ibiza

Lara & Daniel’s Amante Ibiza Wedding… A beautiful venue with the sort of sea views you dream of. Then there’s the sun shining in that shimmery Ibiza way. All that’s left is a happy couple about to have a wonderful time with friends. What more could a wedding photographer ask for?! I had a wonderful time with Lara, Daniel and their guests and this is what they had to say about me, Ibiza and their amazing Amante wedding. How did […]

30 Aug 2017

7 Ibiza Wedding Suppliers you should be following

So you’re getting married in Ibiza? Then I’m pretty sure that you’ve already done a lot of looking around on the internet! It can be a tricky business I know, all that investigating, planning, booking and then wondering if you’ve made the right decision. If you’ve gone with a planner can you trust them? If you haven’t can you trust yourself? Well you don’t have to worry, in the last 10 years of being an Ibiza wedding photographer I have got […]